Saturday, 3 January 2015

Cheers to a great 2015

It's the new year!  Don't you love the feeling of a fresh new year? All shiny and new with no mistakes and lots of dreams and plans?  I know our year doesn't always work out the way it plays in our heads, but I love the idea of starting out the first few days thinking about what's important to me, where I'd like to be and the many, many things I'm grateful for in my life.

In years past I used to write up some notes about what I wanted to do in a notebook.  Not resolutions exactly, but lists of things I want to do (like learn PhotoShop, replace the curtains in my bedroom or cut back to one coffee a day). Looking back, it was surprising how often I ended the year with most of the things on my list complete.

But over the past few years I let the habit slide. I still thought about things, but didn't commit them to paper. I know that progress on life's goals was probably still made, but I had no marker to measure against and plans were airy and disjointed.  But no more! This year I'm getting back into a bit of personal planning with a vengeance.

The internet has kindly provided lots of lovely ideas about things to consider and I've been reading posts about how to make resolutions that stick, ceremonies to mark the end of a period in your life and practial goals to aim for over a five year period.  All good things and I've drawn from them in my simple planning.

Then this morning a dear friend posted a list of five simple questions on her Facebook feed from the Abundant Mamma blog
that really caught my imagination:

What emotion am I yearning to experience this year?
What beautiful decision would I like to celebrate at year's end?
Who would I like to be closer to this year?
How can I show up more for my life each day?
What will make my heart sing this year?

Simple questions sure - but the more you think about them, the more pathways they open in your mind.  I realised that I don't know the answers to some of these questions - and I should.

So Happy New Year dear friends. I wish you all the best for a great 2015. Take some time to think about how you would answer these questions and let's look back and toast at the end of the year to a positive, productive, mindful and joyous year.


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